

2022年03月13日 10441人阅读

作者:天津市人民医院   蔡玉梅   


但是有一些患者在应用免疫治疗后出现了快速的肿瘤进展,有报道一名肺多形性腺癌广泛转移患者(PD-L1 TPS=90%)在接受阿替利珠单抗治疗3天后,原发病灶突然快速进展,同时出现心包积液,胸腔积液,在阿替利珠单抗治疗的第13天,患者死于呼吸衰竭。尸检发现患者双肺有明显广泛转移灶,癌性心包炎,大量心包积液心脏填塞,同时在膈肌和肝脏出现新的转移性病灶[1]

 这种在接受免疫检查点抑制剂(ICIs)治疗后短时间内肿瘤负荷迅速增大,导致患者生存时间明显缩短及生存质量严重下降的现象叫做进展性疾病 hyperprogressive disease HPD)。Champiat[2]等人在一项肿瘤生长动力学的回顾性研究中首次报道了HPD,与化疗相比,ICIs暴露后HPD的发病率增加[2]。回顾性研究中报告的HPD发病率范围为7-29%[2-6]HPD患者的总体生存率(OS)明显低于进展速度较慢的患者(3.4个月比6.2个月)[2]目前对于HPD尚无统一标准比较公认的是Kato[6]等提出的定义:1、免疫治疗中,肿瘤进展时间<2个月;2、肿瘤负荷相比于基线期增长超过50%;3、免疫治疗后肿瘤生长速度超过之前速度2倍以上


临床前研究证据表明,HPD发生与患者的肿瘤微环境(TME)有关TME由一个高度复杂的肿瘤细胞、效应T细胞和调节性T细胞系统组成,这些细胞通常处于平衡状态。与肿瘤细胞一样,PD-1受体也在T调节细胞Tregs)上表达,PD-1/PD-L1被阻断后,可引起Treg细胞的反馈性增殖,进而抑制机体的免疫功能[8]最近,Lo Russo等人报道,TME中存在具有免疫抑制活性的M2巨噬细胞与HPD有关[9]






[1] Oguri T,et al.A case of hyperprogressive disease following atezolizumab therapy for pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma with epidermal growth factor receptor mutation.Respir Med Case Rep.2021;33:101405.

[2] Champiat S, Dercle L, Ammari S, et al. Hyperprogressive disease is a new pattern of progression in cancer patients treated by Anti-PD-1/PD-L1. Clin Cancer Res 2017;23:1920-8. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-16-1741

[3] Ferrara R, Mezquita L, Texier M, et al. Hyperprogressive disease in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors or with single-agent chemotherapy. JAMA Oncol 2018;4:1543-52. 10.1001/jamaoncol.2018.3676 

[4] Kanjanapan Y, Day D, Wang L, et al. Hyperprogressive disease in early-phase immunotherapy trials: clinical predictors and association with immune-related toxicities. Cancer 2019;125:1341-9. 10.1002/cncr.31999

[5] Saâda-Bouzid E, Defaucheux C, Karabajakian A, et al. Hyperprogression during anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapy in patients with recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Ann Oncol 2017;28:1605-11. 10.1093/annonc/mdx178

[6] Kato S, Goodman A, Walavalkar V, et al. Hyperprogressors after immunotherapy: analysis of genomic alterations associated with accelerated growth rate. Clin Cancer Res 2017;23:4242-50. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-16-3133

[7]  Gandara DR, Reck M, Morris S, et al. LBA1Fast progression in patients treated with a checkpoint inhibitor (cpi) vs chemotherapy in OAK, a phase III trial of atezolizumab (atezo) vs docetaxel (doc) in 2L+ NSCLC. Ann Oncol 2018;29. doi: .10.1093/annonc/mdy511

[8]  Fleming V, Hu X, Weber R, et al. Targeting myeloid-derived suppressor cells to bypass tumor-induced immunosuppression. Front Immunol 2018;9:398. 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00398 

[9] Lo Russo G, Moro M, Sommariva M, et al. Antibody-Fc/FcR interaction on macrophages as a mechanism for hyperprogressive disease in non-small cell lung cancer subsequent to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. Clin Cancer Res 2019;25:989-99. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-1390.

[10] Skoulidis F, Goldberg ME, Greenawalt DM, et al. STK11/LKB1 mutations and PD-1 inhibitor resistance in KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Discov 2018;8:822-35. 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-18-0099

[11] Skoulidis F, Arbour KC, Hellmann MD, et al. Association of STK11/LKB1 genomic alterations with lack of benefit from the addition of pembrolizumab to platinum doublet chemotherapy in non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 2019;37:abstr 102.


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